
Condition and repair surveys by abseiling, cradle & MEWP

Technical fabric advice, evidence-based support or a fresh perspective! Talk to Us Today.

    Do you own or manage a tall building that is due for a Periodic Façade Inspection (PFI) Do you need a more complete external façade maintenance partner capable of completing inspections, defect mapping, technical repairs and general maintenance help?


    Do you struggle to collate key data, budgets and priority actions with your current façade maintenance approach?


    We support clients with all aspects of façade management and repairs; from detailed surveys, digital defect mapping, data analysis and planning budgets, our comprehensive approach helps reduce risks and increase effective façade maintenance.

    Discover more about our strategies, thinking and concepts to support building facades performance, download now…


    We help our clients gather critical information and evidence to support with planning and budgetary action for effective tall building maintenance and asset management

    Our PFI-compliant technical façade surveys and tall building façade audit assessments enable you to truly understand the condition and risks of your façade at high level. Everything we do is driven by the desire to help building managers and owners truly understand what action to take: as well as where, when and how. Our number one priority is to help the building fabric live for longer, supporting lifespan maximisation through effective, proactive and best practice tall building management methods.

    Are you confident that your current supplier is prepared for the challenges of looking after a tall building? Traditional façade procurement is often limited, reactive and high risk as defects turn into failures. Our services buck this trend, since our highly trained engineers, surveyors and maintenance technicians are in-house; making auditing, reporting and maintenance works part of a seamless process for our clients.

    Our tall building condition audit services involve comprehensive assessments carried out by abseiling and/or cradles. We inspect the building fabric and capture vital information for our meticulously detailed reports, using digital façade mapping to help with both reactive and planned maintenance programmes.

    Tall building External Façade Maintenance Solutions for:

    • PFI-compliant surveys for modern façades, curtain walling, photovoltaic, biophilic and green façades.
    • Inspection of trims, contraband, mastic joints, windowsills, slats, perforated sunscreens, gaskets, brackets, fixings, stability gaps and risks.
    • Surveys which assess fixing quality, stability, corrosion, sealants, water ingress on cladding, aluminium, glazing and engineering panels.
    • Assessments on LED lighting, thermal insulation around windows or performance of specialist Nanotechnology coatings.


    We provide our clients with transparent, expert information, enabling them to make informed decisions best suited to their property’s condition or budget. We can help at every theoretical and practical stage, from pre-construction right through to restoration and maintenance planning.

    The level of information demonstrated within our reports is tailored to the specific needs of each tall building and client. We specialise in tall building façade condition audits, collating information about the likelihood of any potential defects and obtaining details on the existing condition of your façade. We undertake detailed condition surveys of either part or whole façades for planned preventative maintenance (PPM), often required by asset and building managers. Our reports are comprehensive, containing a schedule of likely defects, allowing our clients to reliably plan and cost remedial works. This helps to significantly reduce the potential for costly surprises in the future!

    Find out more about our PFI-compliant services: from auditing and reporting right through to budgetary planning and expert maintenance services.

    Specialist tall building surveys, audits and future-proofing maintenance solutions:

    • Technical tall building inspections and audits
    • Façade surveys designed to predict future/likely issues
    • Detailed reports, documenting defects that may arise in the future
    • Assistance with budget planning and pre-planned tall building maintenance
    • Façade defect testing and repairs

    • Specialist leak detection and spray façade testing for façades
    • Cradle façade inspections and façade management plans
    • Abseiling building repairs, painting, and maintenance
    • Inspection and replacement of gaskets

    Condition surveys for façades by abseiling

    Technical Leak Investigations

    External Maintenance Solutions

    One Dedicated Team

    Specialist Building Access


    If you'd like any further technical advice please call
    01234 589807